Accles and Pollock recognises that its people are its greatest asset and key to continued growth and success, as such, we are committed to providing careers and safe working environments in which those people can achieve their full potential. This policy applies equally to all employees within Accles and Pollock.
Accles and Pollock recognises that its people are its greatest asset and key to continued growth and success, as such, we are committed to providing careers and safe working environments in which those people can achieve their full potential. This policy applies equally to all employees within Accles and Pollock.
Accles and Pollock is committed to a policy of equal opportunity and diversity in employment where it treats all employees fairly regardless of race, sex, status, age, ethnic origin, religious belief, sexual orientation or disability and ensures that nobody will suffer from harassment or intimidation.
Accles and Pollock is committed to a policy of equal opportunity and diversity in employment where it treats all employees fairly regardless of race, sex, status, age, ethnic origin, religious belief, sexual orientation or disability and ensures that nobody will suffer from harassment or intimidation.
Accles and Pollock recognises it’s responsibilities in relation to Equality of pay between the genders and is committed to complying with the mandatory pay gap reporting procedures effective from April 2018 and working towards the elimination of any disparity.